Temas: selvicultura , incendios forestales , bosques

The fire that took place in Moratalla in 1994 devastated an area of about 25,000 hectares, affecting an area of high ecological value. To date, it can be regarded as the greatest ecological disaster which has taken place in the Region of Murcia.

In 2006, the General Direction of Natural Environment at the time requested a grant to the European Economic Area (EEA) to act in 1500 ha. of the affected areas, particularly in the mountains of Algaidón, Las Herrerías and La Silla. The project was selected from among 60 other projects submitted by the spanish State and had a budget of six million euros, cofinanced (50%) by the European Economic Area and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. The funding includes various action plans: drafting the project, work execution, biological monitoring and remote sensing and surveillance and inspection program. Most of these actions have already been put in place; the most important one being work execution.

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